For most consumers, the science behind CBD can seem a little overwhelming. What is CBD? At Orion CBD, we aim to be as transparent as possible and educate our community in the process.
Understanding the Science
- Phytocannabinoids are botanical molecules that naturally occur in hemp and cannabis plants. Think of these as the smallest building blocks in the pyramid.
- Cannabinoids are different chemical compounds that are different arrangements of the plant molecule building blocks. There are over 60 different cannabinoid compounds in a hemp or cannabis plant.
- Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of those specific chemical compounds, which delivers full-body health benefits without any psychoactive effects.
- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is another specific chemical compound. This is the famous cannabinoid with psychoactive effects that make you feel high.
- The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a physical system of cell receptors that regulates a wide variety of bodily functions and feelings related to your central nervous and immune systems.
- Endocannabinoids are molecules that transmit cellular messages in the ECS. Your body creates these naturally from essential fatty acids in food.
- Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the ECS and are labeled with numbers – most notably, CB1 and CB2.
What Does Pure CBD Isolate Really Mean?
Industry-leading isolates, like what’s found in Orion CBD products, are made with more than 99% CBD. This is essential because there are over 60 different compounds in a single hemp plant, but you want all of the CBD benefits and nothing else.
Specialized hemp is sourced from an industrial hemp farm and it’s grown to produce the smallest possible amounts of THC. In fact, the hemp is tested to be less than 1% of the total chemical compounds. CBD isolate is then purified to remove all other chemical compounds and cannabinoids, leaving only potent cannabidiol. This also means that there is absolutely no taste or odor, so it’s easy to add to your favorite recipes without a grassy or earthy flavor.
Some companies try to capitalize on consumer misinformation with low-quality mixed compounds, but Orion CBD is different. Our entire catalog is crafted with the highest quality CBD isolate, and we want you to feel confident in your purchase.
How CBD Works within the Body
Cannabinoids could have an impact on your endocannabinoid system (ECS), but each one signals a slightly different change. The ECS is made up of cell receptors that connect every corner of the body and overlap with other main systems.
CB1 receptors cover the nervous system in your glands, organs, and connective tissue. CB2 receptors have an impact on your general wellness and functioning health with your immune and gastrointestinal systems. When you take CBD, the endocannabinoid molecules bind onto receptors and trigger a reaction. On a cellular level, this promotes repair and reduces the risk of misfiring as an indirect effect.
Can You Be Deficient in Cannabinoids?
Endocannabinoids are created naturally by the body through essential fatty acids from food, but these molecules are designed to bond and transmit cellular messages. If your body lacks cannabinoids to partner up, your central nervous and immune systems are negatively affected. CBD is essential for a body in balance and it ensures that all of your body’s systems achieve homeostasis.
Cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 send messages throughout the entire body. You could take CBD to help you try and reverse your deficiency and hopefully enjoy positive benefits that affect sleep, appetite, mood, motor control, immune function, pleasure, pain, fertility, memory, and temperature regulation.